A web blog is a Web site that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated on frequently with new information about particular topics. The information can be written by the site owner, gathered from other Web sites or other sources, or contributed by users. A web blog may consist of the recorded ideas of an individual (a sort of diary)
There are many different types in content and the way content is delivered or written
Personal blogs
Corporate and organizational blogs
Genre blogs
Media type blogs
By Device blogs
Different blog sites are used for a different purpose of communication.

Personal blog is an ongoing dairy or commentary by an individual. A Site, such as Twitter, allowsbloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family and is muchfasterthan e-mailing.

Corporate and organizational blogs (business, marketing) are used by the employees who are working in the companies. They are internally used to enhance the communication in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or public relations.

Genre blogs (causes, education, political, travel) are focused on a particular subject like education, fashion, music, travel, political, personal (home) blogs …etc. Media type blogs (vlog, linklog, photoblog) are used for sharing the videos called vlogs, for sharing the links called link logs and for sharing the photos called photo blog. By the device (mobile phone, PDA, wearable wireless webcam) are used to write the blogs through the mobile device like mobile phones or PDA called moblog

If you give your personal information like your name, location address, phone numbers, credit
card details in the blogging sites, your information may be stolen by others (identity theft)because everyone who is having login account in the site which you are using can access to your profile. The profile which you are creating will be visible to everyone on the blog site. The persons like strangers can access your profile and can view all your details.

For example, if you give your credit card number in the site, they may use that number for their own business or shopping purpose and the bill will be sent to you. Another example is if your children give their school name or location addresses in the site, the strangers who access that data may take advantage of it and may kidnap your children

Never give away your personal information into the blogging sites
Put reliable information as it reaches entire world and assume what you publish on the web is permanent. Avoid competition with other bloggers. State the terms of use, copy right in blog properly to viewers to protect your blogs. Guide them with other positive examples such as the children are posting their related information.

Establish Rules for online use with children. Monitor what your children plan to post before they post it. Evaluate Blogging Service and their features like a password protected secured blogs etc. Review your children blogs regularly. Guide them with other positive example such as reference to the students who are posting their related information

Like many of her friends, Alice has a blog. However, unlike her friends, she keeps its location secret. She doesn’t link to anyone else’s blog, and she doesn’t comment on other blogs using her blog identity. Somehow, though, Bob finds out the URL for Alice’s blog and adds it to the“friends” list on his blog. Word spreads, and soon everyone has read Alice’s blog. Unfortunately, she has used her blog to criticize most everyone she knows, including other students, teachers, andher parents. Everyone is furious with her. So always guide your children not to blog anything related personal information about family and guide them how to use the blogs and advantages of blogs and make them understand that blogs are not used to criticize others.

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